If you need to return an item to us for any reason, simply follow the steps detailed below to ensure your refund is processed as quickly as possible, we offer a 30 day no quibble money-back guarantee on items that are unopened and unused if you have any questions you can contact us at

  • We aim to process all refunds within fourteen working days.

  • All goods that are returned must be accompanied by proof of purchase and the order number(s).

  • Goods must be returned in their original packaging with all tags and labels attached.

  • You are welcome to use an alternative postage method to return items but you will be responsible for all postage costs or any items lost in transit.

  • Please be aware that you are responsible for the items being returned until they are received by us. We request that they are securely packaged and that you make a note of your tracking number and obtain proof of postage.

  • Please note: Items returned which do not adhere to these conditions and are in a poor, non-sellable condition will not be refunded. If you wish to have the product sent back to you, you will be charged a fee for the postage.


Within the United Kingdom

Orders delivered to an address within the United Kingdom should use our returns portal. Simply follow this process:

  1. Complete the returns form included within your delivered package.
  2. Securely package the item(s) for return.
  3. Visit the portal: CLICK HERE


Within the EU

Orders delivered to an address within the EU should use this returns portal. Simply follow this process:
  1. Complete the returns form included within your delivered package.
  2. Securely package the item(s) for return.
  3. You'll need your tracking number to enter the portal (You can find this on your dispatch email or in your TeddybearLand account)
  4. Visit our site to purchase your returns label: CLICK HERE


Outside the United Kingdom and EU

Orders delivered to an address outside of the United Kingdom and EU (International) follow this process:

    1. Complete the returns form included within your delivered package.
    2. Securely package the item(s) for return.
    3. Visit the portal: CLICK HERE


Taxes & Duties

Teddybearland will not be held liable for the payment of any duties or taxes relating to the return of items purchased.

Please ensure you are aware of all charges, particularly when using couriers, to return items to Teddybearland. Returns are charged based on the carrier option selected, rates are displayed within the returns portal.

Any items returned toTeddybearland that are subject to unpaid or outstanding taxes and duties will be declined. This means they will be held by the courier service until payment is received.

Any items held by couriers pending payment will be held at an external location whereTeddybearland will have no access.

If taxes and duties are unpaid and / or returns held by couriers then Teddybearland will not be able to process your refund/s.

Returns that have been sent with taxes and duties pre-paid will be accepted and processed as normal.

Misplaced your returns form? Download a copy here.


Looking to return a faulty, damaged or not as described item?

Please contact customer services before returning any item(s). The team will be happy to provide further guidance directly.

Open a support ticket: Click here
Send an email:



Faulty Items

Items returned as faulty should be sent for the attention of our returns department and include a brief note including the order number and details of the issue.

The item(s) will then be assessed by our returns team in conjunction with the manufacturer.

Should the item be deemed to be faulty this will be replaced or, in case of an obsolete product, an alternative item will be agreed or a refund will be issued if requested.

If the item is faulty then you will receive a refund for the product (standard delivery costs only).

Please note this process can take several weeks to complete once goods have been received.

 Items can only be sent back for review and to be considered as faulty within twelve months of their purchase.



Items Sent In Error

Items received in error should be returned to our returns department. On receipt of the item, the item will be replaced, subject to stock, with the correct one or a refund will be given.

International customers should contact us should they receive an item in error so that the appropriate method can be organized


Promotional Items

At times, we will offer our customers an item free of charge under the terms of a specialist promotion. Teddybearland offers the free items in good faith but cannot be held responsible should the item become faulty in any way and will not be liable for its replacement.


Terms and Conditions

Please do not return items via couriers or postal services other than those detailed on this page.

Customers will be liable for any customs or courier charges if they choose to return items to Teddybearland via a service other than those detailed on this page.

All goods that are returned must be accompanied by proof of purchase, the order number and details of any faults which can be added to our ‘Returns Information’ sheet which is included in every package.

It is the consumer's’ responsibility to decide the suitability of all items before removing the item labels/packaging.

It is the customer's responsibility to make sure the product is adequately packed to avoid any possible damage in transit, such items damaged in transit will be returned to the customer and not refunded.


Copyright © 2025 Teddybearland Ltd. All rights reserved. All trademarks - Part of the Niche Online Sales Group Ltd